Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Henry is a busy body

As in his body is always busy!!! He's so curious about everything. He acts like each morning he wakes up, it's all new again. Forget the fact that we've been living with my parents for nearly two years now. the only thing he is sure about is there are ice cream sandwiches in the freezer. (btw, if you have little ones.....a bottom freezer might not work out so well if you don't have latches. he's in the freezer 6-7 times a day until he gets ice cream. can't tell you how many times we've actually caught him trying to unwrap one!)

Sam is consipiring with his BFF at school for a playdate, already has his teachers convinced that I've scheduled it today. And it doesn't matter which "today" it is, it's always TODAY. So I finally wrote a note last night to the mom to ask for a time to get together.


Anonymous said...

you know sometimes you don't have to be too personal with the stuff you publish, but you really got to put that guy of the ice-cream diet.
from Kofi

Misty April Resendes said...

This made me lol and also know what its like to live w parents again. Cute photos of your little ones. pop over to my blog when you have a chance.http://mistyresendes.blogspot.com/

Andrea S. said...

Kofi, he's two and eats VERY well. He's at the 50th percentile for his height and weight. He eats more fruits and veggies in the course of a day than most adults.