Tuesday, December 22, 2009

great new kid sites.....

scratch that.....not just "kid" sites, but REALLY REALLY cool sites that kids under 6 will enjoy and parents can feel their kids are safe and learning.

pbskids.org (okay, that one's a given)

uptoten.com (out of Australia.....truly an amazing site, Sam loves it)

iknowthat.com (for all ages)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


There are certain things that moms feel are sacred. Nap time is sacred to me. That means 10-12 in the morning is pretty much a time I prefer to be at home with Henry sleeping. It's why I have gone to 9:00 mass (helps that the church is across the street too). If he doesn't get that first nap, the whole day is shot.

Why? Because like most infants his age, he gets clingy, only wants mama and really nothing makes him happy except being on my hip. I'm trying REALLY hard to break that, but it just results in more whining.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Santa bags

For each bag:
2 yards of fabric
2 yards gold cording
letters for name

Santa leaves stuff in the stockings and generally presents. Well, our stockings are in the great wonder known as "the storage unit". So, with Mom's help, I figured that I could wrap fewer presents if the boys had bags to leave out for Santa to fill.

So, I put my new found sewing skills to use and made Santa bags. The bags are ready to go, now all we need is some cookies and the jolly old fella to stop by!