Monday, August 18, 2008

12-week stats & Duck's first day

Weight: 159 pounds (that's a 20-pound loss since April, but only 8 since getting a BFP)
Blood pressure: 113/68 (well within my normal)

I can stop taking Metformin now (YAY) since it was not to control diabetes.

Had bloodwork done (oh yippie).

I go Friday for the big nuchal fold test where they'll see if the baby has any abnormalities. It's still too early to find out if our little M&M is plain or peanut.

God, how I love plain M&Ms!!!

Getting in and out of Duck's school is a mess, but at least we got there. I took him in and he was fine at the table, til I said goodbye. Not sure if it was me or Puppy he was crying for, but he was still screaming when I go to the door at the other end of the hallway.

His teacher said he cried for an hour. :(

She also told E that she rocked him to sleep he was so upset about going down for a nap without Puppy or "mimi" (pacifier).

It was a good day, though.

At this point, he doesn't go back til at least Wednesday, thanks to Tropical Storm Fay. We're waiting to find out if our district is going to cancel Wednesday too.

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