Friday, April 4, 2008

Dammit, should have woke him up ......

or rather not even let him go to bed to begin with. Duck fell back to sleep around 5:30 last night. The sedated nap really hadn't done much for him. So, I let him sleep. At 9:00 I got him up, changed his diaper, he never stirred.

The next thing I know it's 3 a.m. and he'd run into the corner of the wall trying to get into our room. Poor kid. E was still up playing WoW, so he said he'd stay up with him. Duck wasn't having any of that. He wanted me.

So, it's 5:50 now and we're WIDE awake and I have to go to work today. Dammit. I was up with him all night Wednesday, no nap yesterday and I have a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG day today.

Only good thing about this is that I bagged him for his urine collection. Yeah, let me tell you, THAT'S FUN! Then I have to freeze it and get it to the lab Saturday morning.

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